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       Making Change is more than New Tools

It's difficult to effect change in an organization. All too often, companies look upon change as the simple introduction of new tools. Golfers know quite well that the tools - the golf clubs - don't make for a successful player of and by themselves. For example, the best clubs in the world won't stop any of us from hitting the ball into the lake.

You have to swing the clubs correctly, read the greens well, and exercise proper course management. So it takes more than tools. They're essential, but not sufficient.

Making meaningful change in an organization requires a number of things, and usually includes:

•    A changed mindset
•    A changed process
•    New tools

An acquaintance of ours said it very well: "The soft stuff is the hard stuff." He meant that the people issues are typically more challenging and difficult than the technical pieces. To which we say: Amen.
